When I hear the words Manifest Movement, I think, to dream and to take small actions to realize those dreams. This is exactly what Anayat has done to make her dream of traveling and hosting yoga retreats come to life. Most of us are raised to be conscious of what we want to do for a career when we grow up. Some expectations are that it must be a high paying job, must have benefits like health insurance and 401k, and it also must be in demand. Attending college is assumed and then we work until we can retire. Retirement is the dream.
Anayat met all of those expectations. She went to college and transitioned into Corporate America like many of us do. She had a full-time job. She was able to afford living on her own and most would say she was thriving. However, she was not thriving internally. Anayat described feeling insecure and not good enough. She was not happy in her job and life. She was introduced to yoga as a form of activity. It wasn’t until she embarked on a yoga teacher training that she discovered the depth that yoga can offer and the transformation it can have on one’s life. She found answers that her soul craved. It is a way of being that is rooted within this ancient practice that modern day life can’t seem to reach.
Anayat was introduced to the idea of travel and it would soon become a large part of her life. Her friend asked her to travel the world for four months, something Anayat never dreamt possible. She decided to say yes and quit her job! She and her friend traveled to 10 countries in four months. Anayat eventually returned to her old corporate job. The days passed by and it was during a mushroom ceremony, when the idea of hosting retreats around the world came to her. The idea did not seem out of reach, as she had already been teaching yoga and hosting local yoga events. She started to became too busy and decided that the moment was now that she had been waiting for! She decided to fully commit to her vision of Manifest Movement.
So far Anayat has been the host and co-host of seven retreats around the world. She has the strength and presence to guide a group of people into a safe space to transform. It is one thing to intellectually understand concepts such as wellness, healing, letting go, and the present moment… but to experience it, is where the magic lives! Retreats are an excellent way to dive into a fully immersive experience with others and to develop connections with yourself and a group of like minded people. It offers exploration both inwards and outwards. It fosters healing on multiple levels. It can be a profound experience for yourself or in ways you never imagined possible, like providing support for someone else.
To better serve her mobile life, Anayat built out an RV to live in. She is able to easily travel to host retreats and events across the US. She also plans to offer more events in her home state, Michigan. Anayat provides one-on-one virtual life coaching as well. She continues to say yes to life and it is her speciality to serve people in this way. When you meet Anayat, you’ll see that she is naturally a warm, genuine, and authentic person. She carries these qualities through all of what she puts energy into.
If you are interested in learning more about Anayat current offerings or retreats, visit Manifest Movement .
Full conversation here: