The idea of becoming a farmer may sound old fashioned and quite unappealing to some.  Working from sun up until sun down, spending more time in the dirt than you would as a child or possibly cleaning manure on a daily basis, however, I know there has to be great reward in choosing this lifestyle and the hard work required.  Bob and Chelsie are not your ordinary farmers.  They don’t harvest endless rows of corn, bail silos of hay or even own the old red barn in the backyard that is on its last leg.  They are dedicated to supporting and raising their own naturally sustained eco system in their own back yard.

Bob and Chelsie’s passion for farming jump started after their chiropractor suggested reading the Primal Blue Print by Mark Sisson.  Bob was inspired by his concept, “A complete diet, exercise, and lifestyle philosophy based on lifestyle principles that have governed human health, evolution and peak performance for over two million years, and supported by respected research in the fields of epigenetics and evolutionary biology.”  More commonly known as the Paleo diet, avoiding foods such as dairy, grains, processed foods and sugar, starches and alcohol.  Convincing his Italian Wife, Chelsie, to give up pasta for 10 days was no small task, but the results were undeniable and snowballed into completely changing their lifestyle and perception of food.  Bob and Chelsie almost immediately noticed results, losing weight, increasing energy, stabilizing mood and completely ridding Chelsie of her dependence on drugs for her diagnosed narcolepsy.  The results fueled their interest and quest in eating healthy and also created an awareness to the lack of availability for clean food and the need for their own resource.

Rob and Chelsie Boles Farm

Farmers Bob and Chelsie Boles

The original idea was to farm 5 acres of produce with some animals, but after attending conventions and visiting successful farms specializing in the natural farming process, they started to envision the larger picture and their future.  With a goal engrained in mind and motivation burning at their heels, Bob and Chelsie decided upon the next chapter of their lives.  Bob quit his job with the family business, bought a 65 acre farm and immediately went to work building their future.  The farm required a lot of attention and work.  Row crops that once flourished remained as dirt that needed to be converted to grass for grazing.  With having no farming experience, they sought out help from experts for direction.  Other experienced farmers suggested using chemicals to kill off old crops for new grass to grow.  With having many different opinions from different directions, Bob and Chelsie decided to listen to their gut.  If they were going to be true to what they believe in, that only time could allow the natural process to begin, which did happen and a lot sooner than expected.  Grass, weeds and wild flowers are now growing, creating the foundation for The Grazing Life Farm.  Each day serves a new purpose, whether it be gathering materials, building the chicken coop or planning the new fence that will soon house the free range chickens and grass fed cows.  With that being said, you can imagine the amount of effort, motivation and work required to create a fully producing farm from square one.

Farming using the Natural Process, MI

The Grazing Life Farm, MI

I can sense their frustration and doubt at times when a task that they originally expected to take a week, takes a month and the reality of actually producing something stretches further in time.  Putting an idea into motion is the fun part, but when reality hits and the unexpected happens or plans change, doubt begins to creep in, not only from your self, but from everyone who is watching.  It’s times like these is when we as humans can let failure win, but Bob and Chelsie’s support for each other and the life they envision, never let each other fail.  I admire the partnership, commitment and support that Bob and Chelsie have for each other.  They have managed to intertwine their dreams and pave a way that is inspired by others, but still remains their own, together.

Rob Boles Farming Clean Food

Bob Boles Farming Clean Food

Bob and Chelsie pride themselves on using as little tractor time and chemical input as possible, basing their farm off of the natural process.  It’s easy to be swayed into doing things the easy or faster way, using chemicals and traditions advised by others, but Bob and Chelsie have managed to tune into their own instincts as they go against the advice and norm of regular commercial farmers and sticking with their purpose, supporting clean food.  Defending and staying true to their beliefs has been a necessity to remain focused and passionate about their idea.  Swimming against the grain and finding their own uniqueness, regardless of others has been a learning and personal growth experience.  It can be difficult and tiring at times, but it is their greatest reward to be able to live the life they want to everyday.

Bob no longer sits in an office, watching the clock, waiting to race home to do what he loves.  Bob and Chelsie are living their passion every day.  Every day they work on creating something with a purpose for themselves and their future.  I can feel the joy and satisfaction that they feel when they look around the room at all that they have created and learned.  They are dedicated to realizing their dream of The Grazing Life Farm one day producing clean beef, lamb, poultry, eggs, pork, produce, maple syrup, fruits and nuts.  Their only hope is that more people become aware of what they are putting into their bodies and how much food can effect how we feel.  For more information and questions on eating cleaner food visit,

Bob and Chelsie inspire me to make cleaner food choices and continue working on my passions and reaching my dreams, with hopes to eventually live my life the way I want to, every day.

Watch Bob and Chelsie’s inspiring interview about their journey following their own paths and realizing their dreams together.  Learn how to start a farm from scratch and gain resources to helping you start your farm.